"Helping Adults from all walks of life stop being ashamed of themselves and start being proud of who they are."

Have you felt like people won’t accept you for who you really are?

Are you afraid people would not be attracted to you if you actualized your most authentic self?

Did you receive little to no education on gender and sexuality?

Have you struggled to understand the concept of gender or felt you lacked an internal sense of "man" or "woman"?

Do you have a loved one who is exploring gender and want to know how best to support them?

Is Gender Therapy right for you?

Everyone has a gender journey, though many people fail to reflect on their own process. Many people grew up understand gender as something that just "is" and never questioned what they perceived as an essential part of their being. Yet gender expression beyond and through the binary identification of man/woman have persisted throughout history and across cultures. The need to break out of a gender identity imposed by others is often experienced as a deeply felt core sense. An internalized knowing that something isn't right.

With all the dialogue about gender in the mainstream media today it's important to dispel some common misconceptions about gender therapy.

Gender therapy is NOT

...A way to get unquestioned surgery and hormones for children and teens

...A way to convince someone to conform to societal gender norms

...Part of a larger agenda

...Predetermined in any way

Just like all psychotherapy, gender therapy is a unique  process. designed to meet the needs of an individual or family. 

Gender Therapy

We live for

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dapibus at arcu sit amet aliquam. Ut tortor dui, ornare a justo at, luctus hendrerit justo. Sed accumsan nisi non justo gravida interdum. Vestibulum venenatis molestie dolor, non ultrices velit ullamcorper ut. Ut molestie lectus eget semper suscipit. Ut vel risus id turpis volutpat porttitor in ut augue

pink sunsets


We live for

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean dapibus at arcu sit amet aliquam. Ut tortor dui, ornare a justo at, luctus hendrerit justo. Sed accumsan nisi non justo gravida interdum. Vestibulum venenatis molestie dolor, non ultrices velit ullamcorper ut. Ut molestie lectus eget semper suscipit. Ut vel risus id turpis volutpat porttitor in ut augue

our sweet pups


Most people who start Individual and Couples Sex Therapy feel trapped in a life they don't love. Perhaps you can relate. Maybe you know you'd be happier if you made changes but it feels safer and more comfortable to stay the same or You are unsure about your truth or fearful of actualizing your deepest desires. Maybe you feel anxiety, guilt, or shame. Or maybe you just feel like something is missing but you are unsure what that is. Your sexual life simply isn't as fulfilling or satisfying as you would like it to be..

Gender therapy is a process of self discovery that can lead to greater self acceptance and understanding. 
Gender therapy consists of 50-minute, one-on-one sessions that include education, self-reflection, and personal history exploration. When working with families I meet with parents and adolescents both individually and together as a family unit. When working with partners I will typically meet with each partner individual and together as as well.

Here’s gender therapy will work, step-by-step:

1. We will meet for a 20 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit. If we are not, I will help you find someone who may be a better fit for you.

2. If we decided to work together we will decide on a meeting schedule that works best (weekly, biweekly, ect.,). If you are seeking gender therapy for your child or partner, please be ready to start your own individual therapy as well.  

3. During our first official meeting we will complete an intake that involves questions about your gender journey and what you would like to get out of gender therapy.

4. Themes surrounding gender and sexuality will be deeply analyzed. We will examine your ideas about the meaning of gender and sexuality, where these came from, and what meaning they hold for you.

5. You may decided to try on different names, pronouns, hair, clothing, or other forms of expression you may be curious about as we scrutinize the idea of gender and discover what feels right for you. 

Gender therapy can help you let go of what’s holding you back and step into your truest self.

Gender Therapy is an Exploratory Journey

Start now and stop being ashamed, and instead, become proud of who you are.

Email me to set up your free 20-minute consultation. You can share what's going on for you and decide if we are a good match.

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